Although it is Gdansk city centre that is the main destination from the airport, there is also the possibility to get straight to Gdynia or Sopot.
Getting from Gdansk airport to Sopot
By bus
There is a direct bus from Gdansk airport to Sopot city centre – line 122 (Direction Sopot Kamienny Potok SKM). It arrives in front of Grand Hotel – very close to the Monte Cassino street and the wooden pier. The journey takes about one hour, so it’s better either to have two tickets and validate the second one once the first expires. You may also consider buying a 24-hour ticket.
By train
There is no direct train to Sopot. You need to get to Gdansk Wrzeszcz and then change lines.
By taxi
Taxi from Gdansk Airport to Sopot City centre should cost 50-100 PLN depending on the company and time
Getting from Gdansk Airport to Gdynia
By bus
Except for some expensive transfer buses, there is no bus service from Gdansk Airport to Gdynia
By train
SKM trains leave every 30-60 minutes from the airport to Gdynia. This is not the main Gdansk-Gdynia train route that most citizens take every day. This is the second line that goes outside the city, through nice landscapes around Tricity. The journey takes about 25 minutes and costs about 6-7 PLN.
By taxi
Ride from the airport to Gdynia should cost about 80-130 PLN. Uber or Free Now should be much cheaper. Beware, that the road the cars are going to take tends to be jammed in the afternoon. We strongly recommend taking the train instead of a taxi.
Transfer from Gdansk Airport to other cities
Regular transfer service to Koszalin, Torun, Bydgoszcz and Olsztyn leave from Gdansk Airport. Check airport website for more details. Moreover, there are private transfers available to book online. Transfer destination and the fee will be negotiated individually.
Gdansk Airport Parking
Kiss & Fly parking
This is the zone just in front of the terminal, where you have free 10 minutes to say goodbye before you enter the airport. Your car needs to leave the Kiss&Fly zone in 10 minutes. Otherwise, you need to pay 20 PLN for every 10 minutes. This is to ensure there will be an opportunity for every passenger to get with his luggage as near the airport as possible. Be careful as there are some misleading billboards with lipstick directing you to paid parking.
P1 Gdansk Airport Parking
P1 parking is also a short-term parking, paid for every 10 minutes, but rates are significantly lower. You have to pay 2 PLN for every 10 minutes below 2 hours, then 9 PLN for every hour.
P3-P6 Gdansk Airport Parking
Those parkings are a bit further from the terminal, and they are dedicated to a longer stay. The higher the number after the “P” letter, the further is the parking from the terminal, and the lower is the rate.
You may compare all the rates here.