Luggage storage office and lockers in Gdansk

written by Maciek Bogdanski

The luggage storage office in Gdansk Glowny train station is currently closed due to the train station renovation. Luggage lockers have been moved outside, near to the temporary cash desk, next to the KFC Restaurant.

If you come to Gdansk only for a couple of hours, or just want to get rid of your luggage for a couple of hours and visit the city, you might want to look for a luggage storage office in Gdansk. You have a couple of options, including left luggage lockers in Gdansk Train station.

Luggage storage office in Gdansk Train Station

Gdansk - left luggage office
Gdansk – luggage office storage

Few steps down from the ticket office, on the right side of the tunnel that leads to the platforms, there is a luggage storage office. It’s open from 8.00 to 21.00, and the prices are as follows:

Luggage sizePrice/day
up to 50cm7 PLN
up to 70cm11 PLN
over 70cm15 PLN
bike20 PLN

If you decide to store your luggage here, make sure you take it back before 21.00, when the office closes.

Left luggage lockers at Gdansk Railway Station

Gdansk - left luggage lockers
Gdansk – luggage lockers

If you want to be more flexible about getting back your luggage, you may want to look for luggage lockers in Gdansk. There are some just next to the main hall of Gdansk Railway Station, in the direction of McDonald’s restaurant. There are four sizes of lockers where you may store your bags:

Gdansk Tourist Card
Read also
Luggage sizePrice/24 hours
Small luggage locker12 PLN
Big locker14 PLN
Golf Type16 PLN
Ski Type16 PLN

A big locker should be enough to store two medium-sized backpacks.

You can only pay with coins, and no change is given back.

BagBNB Office

There are also two BagBNB places where you can store your baggage for 5 EUR/day per piece of luggage. You need to book the service on their website, and they will send you the storage locations.

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