Gdansk concentration camp

written by Maciek Bogdanski

Although Gdansk suffered a lot during the Second World War, there was no proper concentration camp in Gdansk itself. At the beginning of the war prisoners, including defenders of the Polish Post Office in Gdansk, were brought to Victoriaschule (now part of the University of Gdansk in Kladki Street). There they were interrogated and tortured.

After the 15th of September 1939, prisoners were moved to Zivilgefangenenlager Neufahrwasser in the New Port district of Gdansk. It was a temporary concentration camp in Gdansk for all the arrested from Pomerania region. In total, about 10 000 people were kept here, who were soon transported to Stutthof Concentration Camp. This was the biggest concentration camp in the northern Poland, and now is converted into a museum.

One more piece of information about the Gdansk Concentration camp is related to the branch of Stutthof concentration camp, which was located in Gdansk Kokoszki. About 1600 people were kept here since September 1944, and their main task was to build city fortification, as Russians were approaching. Now only a small monument commemorates that place.

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